Saturday, December 10, 2011

Green Advocacy: A Photo Essay

Last week, we were tasked to create an advertisement for our Advertising Copy and Layout class. I and my partner Lovely decided to create an advocacy advertisement for Greenpeace. Actually, we had consumed a lot of time thinking for the best concept we could deliver, and so we arrived to creating an advertisement series. We entitled it: THE PLASTIC SERIES.

Plastics have been part of our daily lives. From the sachets of shampoos we use in the morning, the cups and bottles we use on lunchtime, to the packaging of the junkfoods we eat. Not even mention the cover of our books, the bags we use to carry most of our things. Admit it or not, plastic is a part of our system anymore.


This area was used to highlight the plastic over nature concept.
This is located in Japanese Garden in Luneta.
Here's Carlo, applying black eyeshadow to my partner and model.

Katrina puts highlight to Lovely's eyes to add shades of sympathy plus glamour.

The two teasing Lovely's hair. Yep. I am an epal (extra) in this image.
The preparation itself took us thirty to forty-five minutes. Well, I must say, the time was just enough because we (I actually) achieved the peg I want to achieve.


After the make-ups and wardrobe, I conducted the shoot.The shoot took us twenty minutes and shot it in three key places in the Japanese Garden: The one that was seen above, on the bridge, and one lying on the ground. And here's some of our shots:

Her eye makeup is simply perfect! And look at those expressive eyes!

Believe it or not, that black on her lips is just a makeshift lipstick! but it looked awesome and elegant!

Lovely projects well in camera.

A fail shot. I hate the sun.

The concept was like, "Wild in the Jungle," however, she was a plastic. Lol

The concept here was nearing to death. But it didn't work out that way. Haha.

Now, this is death.

Honestly, we were only tasked to do one output per pair, but because we loved the shots, we decided to do three outputs. And take note, we did all of them overnight! So, here are our outputs:

During the presentation last December 9, our professor invited two multimedia experts from Informatics and overwhelmingly, we received good comments from them. However, there are some points of improvements, and we took them seriously. We know we will be better soon.


Follow me on Twitter!!/VBregalado

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